Friday, August 21, 2020

Telecommunications engineering

The telecommunications engineering (also telecommunications engineering , engineering in telecommunications , telecommunications engineering ) is a branch of engineering that solves problems of transmission and reception of signals and networking. It is the discipline of application of telecommunication , a term that refers to remote communication , generally through the propagation of electromagnetic and optical waves. This includes many technologies, such as radio , television , telephone , data communications, andcomputer networks such as the Internet . The definition given by the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU , of the English International Telecommunication Union ) for telecommunication is all emission, transmission and reception of signs, signals, writing , images, sounds and information of any nature by wire, radio, optical means or other electromagnetic systems.

The degree with itinerary in telecommunication systems studies the planning, development and management of projects for the design, conception, deployment, supervision and exploitation of:

Telecommunications networks, services and applications.

Transmission systems (cable and fiber optics, including communication media and equipment)

Radio communication systems (broadcasting, wireless networks, satellite systems, mobile systems, radar and radiodetermination)

RF and microwave circuits (antennas and radiant systems), as well as information techniques and signal processing.

entry level network engineer

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